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Han Taja, We are Aabaja`Naa

I am who I am. We belong to the golden blue frequency.

We come from high above, bringing you knowledge, healing and much more. 

We are not from this world and yet a part of this world. 

AUM: I AM who I am: Love-Hope-Confidence, Eternal Flame-Eternal Light. That's right So be it.

We are going to open doors for you, through which you will enter realms, that cannot be described or explained except with the language of the heart.
“Open your hearts and become free and carefree like children again.”

Healer & High Priest Aabaja`Naa with LadyShyenna

SHAMANs and natural HEALER...

can be found everywhere in this world. In old as well as new cultures.
The wisdom and the rich knowledge of the shamans & Medicine men/women with all his Root, reach back far over 60,000 years in the dated origin of human history!
The term shaman comes, among other things, from the Russian-Siberian language of North Asia. The word “Saman” means the knowledgeable, the wise.

At the beginning of the 16th-17th centuries (according to your era) the shamans became almost fullconstantly pushed into oblivion. Only then did the new terms such as doctor (not at all comparable to a shaman) appear in human usage and artificial pharmacy began its advance.
Shamanic, natural healing medicine was almost completely eradicated during the time of the colonial powers and the flourishing slave trade.
In the Indian peoples, as well as among the indigenous peoples (Indians, Aztecs, etc.), but also among the Africans right up to our ancestors the Germanic peoples, it was always the shamans who were at the same time Pastor, therapist, medicine man/woman and priest that preserved and passed on the culture, the beliefs and that HEALING KNOWLEDGE, over many generations and continue to do so. A true medicine man & During a treatment, the shaman always sees the holistic picture in front of him: BODY, MIND, HEART, SOUL, emotional body, mind, etc... and not just the body with its symptoms!

Then as now, true shamans go through long initiation cycles and many lessons, especially in silence and in deep contemplation, connected to yourself and to Mother Earth. They often work when the collective is asleep. Many work late in the evening until early in the morning.
As long as necessary knowledgr is not only learned, but firmly anchored in body, mind, HEART and soul!

A shaman, who has joined the Brothers of Light, must have transformed at least 80-90 percent of their own shadow issues by then, clarified and brought them into harmony. That means he has cleaned up on himself and within himself! Only then is he qualified to bear the “title” of shaman!
Only then can he act as a lighthouse and rock in the surf, showing lost people the way out of missery.
Who do you want to be a light to when you are not yet full of light yourself!!!
How do you want to help when you yourself are still full of shadows and unresolved trauma?
when you, yourself is still full of illness! How are you going to pull someone out of the swamp when you yourself still have both feet in the swamp???

A shaman is free from a manipulative ego and has learned to tame his mind! He is the inner master in his house! Under the guidance of his pure and, above all, healed heart, he is always shown the right path.
In order to lead others, a shaman must first have learned to lead himself! To bring healing, energy and support to others, a shaman & Medicine man has to be able to know how to heal himself!
How are you going to bring healing when you are not even able to heal yourself, take good care of yourself, let alone take good care of yourself and your body!!!
A true shaman has not “just” learned.
Skills & Knowledge became second nature to him during his powerful ashram and spiritual training. And even then, his heart always remains open to new, useful knowledge, which he absorbs with childlike curiosity and, if found useful, anchors in himself.


A shaman is a WORLD WALKER, a mediator between the worlds and can rule in both simultaneously and consciously.
In most cases (not always) he puts himself into another state of consciousness, also called a trance.
This often happens with the beating of the drum, which symbolizes the heartbeat of the earth. But other means can also serve as carriers: the rattle, mantras, breathing, singing, music in the theta frequency range, consistent natural sounds such as a waterfall, plants that evoke a different state of consciousness, long-lasting monotonous activities (sweeping, stalking, observing) .
A true Shaman always works, heals and clarifies consciously from the united CHAKRA. This means: He goes into the union of all his chakras and works from the united, golden chakra!!!

In contrast to other people, a SHAMAN enters the other world (other dimensions) CONSCIOUSLY and therefore with full consciousness, wide awake and with presence of mind, in full possession of his all-power.
He is therefore not a plaything of the powers!
In the other world he gains guardian spirits. Power animals, elemental beings, subtle beings that protect, guide and support him, lend him their powers so that he can complete his tasks. As on the inside, so on the outside. 

In order for these helpers to show themselves to you, it takes courage and a pure intention that comes from the heart. You have to become a master of your ego as well as your mind. 

Only then can power animals give a shaman the strength, the medicine and the messages that he is currently looking for and needs!
E.g. magical objects, guides, plants, places that enable him to act on a higher spiritual level, i.e. to have an effect.
He is able to enter a person's energy field and local energy fields, transmit messages, recognize causes, carry out healing and make predictions.
He is able to switch again and again from the human perspective to the higher-level bird's-eye view of the observer and is therefore able to recognize the big picture from above and to follow the plan from higher levels.
He can bring back lost soul parts and powers, strengthen strengths and energies, guide souls home, find healing rituals and paths and communicate with the powers for the benefit of all, respect, honor and appreciate them!

The greatest strength of a true shaman and healer is his pure heart approach and his unconditional love, which he radiates into the world like a lighthouse.
He has learned that love does not require action.
He has internalized that love is the act itself.
And so he serves for the good of the whole, for the greater whole!



Thank you for your message!

Never forget: you are valuable! Health is your birthright! 
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