HEALING MANDALAYANTRA-4: Absolute deep relaxation, Recharge yourself and your space with new energy!
Healing, protective and high-energy MANDALA YANTRAs in the finest print quality. Bring absolute freshness into your premises and supply your four walls with new, positive CHI and Pranic energies! Make use of the healing knowledge of Feng Shui and experience space miracles! 💚
With the cosmic SYMBOLIC POWERS (light language) from the pyramids of Giza! Suitable for:
✅ Yoga rooms
✅ Meditation rooms
✅ Temple
✅ Resorts
✅ Hospitals / intensive care units / doctor's office / alternative practitioner etc...
✅ Waiting room for patients or clients etc...
✅ and of course for your own FOUR walls, be it in the apartment or house or in the motorhome/campervan and MUCH MORE!!!🌐 The range of applications is limitless and the MANDALA-YANTRAs can be used worldwide, universally, for the benefit of the whole. ❣️
✴️ This healing mandala-YANTRA will inform and charge the room and its people in it with the following BASIC energies.
3. ANA = LIGHT awareness
As mentioned: All three "symbols (light crystals) come from the pyramids of Giza, see also the sacred emerald tablets of Toth the Atlantean.
On the subtle, invisible and energetic level, this mandala yantra boosts the self-healing powers in the human cell system and the human being develops more gratitude, love and acceptance towards himself towards the divine creation.
At the same time, the view is directed to the beautiful and the POSITIVE and light-filled in one's own life. This MANDALA-YANTRA is nourishing and calming at the same time, balm for body, mind, heart and soul and very balancing for your own nervous system. After a few minutes, you just feel like you've arrived, like you're on vacation, and your body starts to relax completely. Has an incredibly calming effect on the psyche.
We recommend viewing this healing mandala several times a day. We also know from experience that it has proven itself very well in places where people come together together. E.g. in the living room, dining room, above the sofa, at sitting areas, etc.
Simply look at it every day and simply let it work in the room & ENJOY THE ENERGIES.
All our mandala yantras have a very positive and beneficial effect on the vital energy and life energy in the premises and on the environment, the human organism. The measurement of this life energy (light energy, CHI-PRANA-ORGONE) can be carried out according to the table of the French physicist Bovis. Oscillation and energy is measurable and is labeled in Bovis units.❣️
>This content description is the intellectual property of SriYantraDesign. Copies and unsolicited forwarding are hereby prohibited on all levels of existence. So be it, so it is. Now. Thank you.<
A1 : ca. 84.1 cm x 59.4 cm / 33.1 inch x 23.3 inch
A2 : ca. 59.4 cm x 42 cm / 23.3 inch x 16.5 inch
A3 : ca. 42 cm x 29.7 cm / 16.5 inch x 11.6 inch
IMPORTANT: This sacred MANDALA-YANTRA is sung, informed and blessed especially for you by a high priest in our TEMPLE, therefore the following applies: >NO RETURNS-NO WARRANTY-NO EXCHANGES. So be it, so it is, now.👍
The shipment will take place after the blessing of the MANDALA YANTRA! Due to the elaborate "ceremony duration" in the temple, the processing time is 3-7 working days. Shipping takes place with proof (+shipping number and partly insured) and takes between 1 - 24 working days worldwide. An'Anasha for your patience and trust in uns.💚