Healer - High Priest - Shaman - Medicine Man - Exorcist
Contact us - Live TRUST
and Come to US
Every change in life starts with the first step! Accepting support and help in the here and now is not a weakness, but always a sign of great courage and strength!.
Wherever you are in this world, our help will reach you worldwide. Much of our support comes from the spiritual levels. Everything is the Spirit of God. Everything is energy, everything is vibration, everything is frequency, everything is sound. This also includes the human being. We are always connected to the divine healing ray MAHAN and We are a bearer of the prosonodo light. There is a great healing energy in us and we send it to you worldwide, depending on the order & healing treatment (package) you have booked or placed.
Let go of all doubts, have trust in us and I will bring healing to you.
PLEASE provide us with the following order details!
1. Which healing package did you choose:
or the corresponding Mantra-Prayers or MANDALA-YANTRA etc...., that you would like to receive from the Shop SriYantraDesign.
2. First name, Surname (full name) with postal address,
3. E-mail address
4. Please reach out if of you need help and write us!
P.S. For some of our healing packages, an up-to-date Picture or birthday with birthplace is needed.
Thank you very much/An'Anasha.